Missing or damaged teeth can detract from your smile. Having a missing tooth where it is most visible can rock your self-confidence, making it so that you don’t want to smile or open your mouth to speak clearly. Dental implants can fill in those gaps and give you back the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Call Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics in Carrollton, Texas, to find out all the information you need before making a decision.
Dental implants are perfect for restoring a single missing tooth. The tooth portion of the implant will be made in the same shape and size as the missing tooth. Color or tint will be added to the composite or porcelain to match the surrounding teeth. No one will be able to tell that a tooth was ever missing.
Dentists are now using implants to secure dentures. All-on-four dentures use four dental implants for the upper plate and four for the lower. The denture plates snap directly onto the implants for a secure fit. No more slipping and sliding when you speak or chew. The implants go deep into the jawbone, preventing the jaw from eroding or losing shape.
New Patients: (972) 388-3320 Existing Patients: (972) 394-4300
Online scheduleIf you have two or three teeth missing in one area, your dentist may choose to create a bridge. A bridge will not only replace the missing teeth; it will also help to maintain the structure and integrity of the jawbone. The materials used in the teeth of the bridge will also be tinted to match the others close by, making them almost undetectable unless you say something.
Residents in Carrollton, Texas, can visit Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics if they have questions about dental implants and the many benefits they offer. Call Dr. Adnan Saleem today! Existing patients will need to call (972) 394-4300. New patients must call (972) 388-3320 to schedule their first consultation! Don’t wait to get the smile you have always wanted. Call today! Live your best life with a brand new smile.Â