When you have advanced gum disease or tooth decay, your tooth can become loose or lose its structural integrity. With treatment, you may be able to preserve your tooth, but if you wait too long, your tooth may fall out, or a dentist may have to extract it to remove the infection and prevent other health issues. At Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics in Carrollton, our dental implant dentist can restore functionality to your mouth and preserve your smile.
While bridges and dentures may prevent teeth from shifting around in your mouth, they don’t fully replace the structure of your tooth. Without stimulation, your jawbone will shrink, and your face will begin to droop around your mouth. A dental implant will stimulate your jawbone and provide support for your face so you can keep a youthful look and a full jaw.
Dental implants are a screw-shaped rod inserted into your jawbone through your gums. Dr. Saleem will collaborate with Dr. Hamidi, our in-house implant surgeon, to prep you for the surgery and design a natural-looking restoration to blend to protect your oral health and keep your smile intact.
If you have gum disease or tooth decay near the site of the implant, Dr. Saleem will address these issues to avoid complications with your implant. He will also need to extract the damaged tooth if it has not come out already. The extraction site will need to heal before you can have your implant placed, and Dr. Saleem will evaluate the implant site to determine if you need a bone or tissue graft to support your restoration.
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Online scheduleDr. Hamidi will place a titanium implant for a strong restoration that can withstand the bite force of your jaw without moving out of place. Over a few months, the implant will bond with your bone, and your soft tissues will form around the implant and settle. Once the healing is complete, you can return to the office to place the abutment and attach your permanent crown, bridge, or dentures, depending on how many teeth you need to replace.
To learn more about dental implants, contact Hebron Smile in Carrollton at (972) 388-3320 today.