When you find yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, there is already enough stress and anxiety surrounding your teeth and gums without the added stress of finding a dentist nearby in the Carrolton, Texas area who offers emergency dental services. Having a dentist you trust and who provides these services will reduce the stress of an already stressful situation. Dr. Adnan Saleem and the team at Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics offer urgent dental care to patients who find themselves in the middle of a dental emergency.
Knowing what constitutes as a dental emergency and how to handle some common dental emergencies could prove invaluable as you await your appointment.
Some dental emergencies are quite obvious. Situations where you have suddenly lost a tooth or taken physical trauma to the face resulting in a cracked or chipped tooth need urgent emergency care. Other dental health situations could have you guessing. A good rule to remember is if you are experiencing sharp or consistent oral pain, have tissue in your mouth that will not stop bleeding or have teeth that are suddenly chipped, cracked, or knocked out, you will want to call your dentist.
Even if you are not sure whether your situation constitutes as a dental emergency, call your dentist anyway to let them know what is going on. An emergency appointment may be necessary, or you could be given instructions for care while you wait for your next scheduled appointment. Here are some quick tips on what you can do for some common dental emergencies.
If you are experiencing a toothache, try flossing to see if the pain is caused by food lodged between your teeth. Rinse with warm water. If the pain persists, call your dentist to set an appointment.
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Online scheduleThe chance of successfully replanting a knocked-out tooth starts to drop after about 30 minutes to an hour. Call your dentist immediately. If you have the tooth, pick it up by the crown without touching the root, gently rinse it with warm water, and try placing back in the empty socket. If you can’t do this, you can wrap the tooth in clean gauze and immerse it into whole milk.
For more info on what you can do in a dental emergency or to schedule an emergency appointment for urgent care, please call Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics today at (972) 388-3320.