Wisdom teeth is a common term for the third set of molars. Often, when these molars erupt, they cause serious problems that can be harmful and painful. In certain situations, they will need to be extracted to provide relief and minimize damage to the rest of the mouth.
For most patients, wisdom teeth try to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. They can be particularly harmful to the arches, because they erupt after the mouth has finished growing. Wisdom teeth are notorious for causing crowding, erupting horizontally, or even remaining trapped in the jaw (referred to as impacted). If wisdom teeth are wreaking havoc on the smile, it is time to have them removed.
If the wisdom teeth have fully erupted, they often need to be removed simply for oral health. They can be difficult to clean properly, increasing the risk of decay. These types of extraction can typically be performed in-office under local anesthesia.
Impacted wisdom teeth may require sedation in addition to local anesthetic. During this procedure, the surgeon will make a small incision in the gum to remove the tooth.
The recovery process after wisdom tooth extraction is straightforward. Pain medications may be needed for several days and ice packs can reduce swelling in the area. Patients will need to eat soft, cool foods for a few days and make sure to keep the area clean by using salt water rinses.
Wisdom teeth extractions do not have to be difficult. When you visit Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss Orthodontics, you are in the care of an experienced, compassionate team dedicated to improving your oral health. If your wisdom teeth have started to erupt, or you are noticing pain or pressure in the back of your mouth, call us today to schedule an evaluation.