When you have missing teeth in your smile, you will want a tooth replacement option from your dentist that closely mimics the look, feel, and function of your missing tooth or teeth. Dental implants are a great option that covers all three of those needs. Dr. Adnan Saleem and his team at Hebron Smiles and […]
If you have recently visited your dentist only to learn that you will need a dental extraction, questions may be racing through your head. Will it hurt? How much will it cost? Will my smile be permanently incomplete? The good news is that any competent dentist will be able to answer your questions. If you […]
When you find yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, there is already enough stress and anxiety surrounding your teeth and gums without the added stress of finding a dentist nearby in the Carrolton, Texas area who offers emergency dental services. Having a dentist you trust and who provides these services will reduce the […]
Getting your child to the dentist can be like (pardon the pun) pulling teeth. Most children are not fans of going to the dentist. However, we all know the importance of seeing a dentist twice a year for a routine examination and dental cleaning. Making it in for these visits helps avoid long-term dental health […]
When a child’s teeth become discolored, it can be a definite source of embarrassment. This is even more true for children in their more awkward adolescent years. A white and bright smile can be a major boost to self-esteem, but should you get your child’s teeth whitened? Dr. Adnan Saleem and the team at Hebron […]
Brushing and flossing your teeth are everyday habits that parents try to create at an early age. Dentists say it’s one of the most critical factors in your overall dental health. Many people don’t understand this essential habit and skip or rush through it at the end of a long day. In Carrollton, Texas, Dr. […]
Missing or damaged teeth can detract from your smile. Having a missing tooth where it is most visible can rock your self-confidence, making it so that you don’t want to smile or open your mouth to speak clearly. Dental implants can fill in those gaps and give you back the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Call Hebron […]
Often your smile is what people see first. A pronounced over-bite or under-bite is easily visible and can make you self-conscious. An uneven bite pattern can cause more than just simple problems. When your bite pattern is off, several things can begin to occur. The Invisalign clear teeth-straightening system can restore a more natural bite pattern and […]
Poor oral care habits can lead to an infection of your gums and teeth, aka gum disease. In its early stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis. Left unchecked, gingivitis can progress to advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis. If you’re having problems with swollen, bleeding gums or painful teeth, contact Hebron Smiles and Smilebliss […]